A Masked Ball

I recently had the pleasure of being invited to sketch a dress rehearsal for the San Diego Opera’s production of Verdi’s “A Masked Ball.” Also sketching were comic book artists and Eric Shanower and Scott Benefiel and concept artist and illustrator Joe Sanabria. Thanks to SD Opera’s Ed Willensky for the opportunity. You can see more sketches…


“The Golden Age of Comics is ten.” I originally heard the adage as “The Golden Age of Comics is twelve” as well as “The Golden Age of Comics is when you discover them.” As far as I was concerned, it’s ten. That’s how old I was in 1964, where every month seemed to burst with…

Bhob Stewart, RIP

Sad to hear of the passing of Bhob Stewart. One of the first comics “pundits” (for lack of a better term) I ever read. Among his many astute articles on comics, my favorite might be Stewart’s essay on the work of Howard Nostrand and his subsequent interview with the artist (if you can find Graphic…

Supernatural Law at San Diego Library!

“The Werewolf of New York,” the latest Supernatural Law graphic novel, is on display with other comics, novels, and nonfiction books at the 48th Annual Local Author Exhibit. The treat this year is that the exhibit is one of the first events at the spanking new, resplendent San Diego Central Library. The opening reception was…

Charlton Comics Gives You More!

I loved Charlton Comics! There. I said it. During the 1960’s and 70’s, Charlton Comics was, to me, “the little comics company that could.” While DC and Marvel comics could boast a slicker package featuring more iconic characters and art, Charlton hung in there with their own superheroes, romance, war, and western titles. In fact,…