It’s a wrap! The 2018 San Diego Comic-Con has come and gone! Lots of fans—especially Kickstarter backers—came by the Exhibit A Press booth to get their copy of Supernatural Law: Grandfathered In. The official publication date is the beginning of September, so that’s when you’ll be able to order your copy directly from this site. Meanwhile, we debuted a new T-shirt design (from Graphitti) and those shirts are now available for order. Batton and Jackie would like to thank Batton’s sister and brother, Irene and Billy, for manning the booth again this year, along with longtime helper Steve Wilber. You guys are the best!
Here are a few photos from the booth.

Batton with his sister Irene.

Batton with the new book, as well as his popular handpainted “monster cameos.”

Jackie and Batton with attorney Mitch Berger, who has served as consultant on the accuracy of legal material in Supernatural Law stories.

Batton with Alonso Nunez and students from the Little Fish Comic Book Studio.

Writers Kelly and Stephen Dunn stopped by to talk all things monsters . . .

Batton with longtime fan and supporter Chris Benitez.