There’s never enough time to see or do things at Comic-Con . . . even after four jam-packed, intense days (and that’s not counting Wednesday’s Preview Night!). I think I’ve got plenty of time to check out the booths and say hello to friends, but next thing I know, the convention center is rolling up the carpets! Well, there’s always next year. Until then, enjoy some photos from Sunday’s show!

Some Krypto cosplay (in reality, his name is Lambchop, an independent therapy dog. More here:

Lady Liberty, is that you?? Promotion for Guillermo del Toro’s FX series, The Strain.

Jackie with Southern California Comics’s Jamie Newbold and assistant (apologies- didn’t catch your name!).

Jackie with the divine Roslyn Bellman and her daughter.

Jackie with the effervescent Chip Mosher of Comixology.

Author/graphic designer James Pascoe shows off his original art trading card of my new series, “The First Gentleman of the Apocalypse.”

Jackie with cartoonist Ryan Claytor. See Ryan’s Comic-Con pix here:

Did a female Loki just abscond with the female Thor’s hammer?

Once again, the talented Paul Roman Martinez was our neighbor during Comic-Con. His work on “Adventures of the 19XX” is incredible!

Me with Stig.

This Starfleet crew sent me best wishes from my #1 fan in the Bay Area, Dave Roberts. Good to hear from you, Dave!

Deadpool and Harley Quinn. A match made in . . . well, not Heaven!

The Flash stopped by for a quick photo. And I do mean quick!

Cartoonist Matt Dunford and his young charge Adrian . . . a gifted cartoonist in his own right. And with an interest in the Silver Age of Comics– you haven’t lived until you hear Adrian hold forth on B’wana Beast!

With Jughead writer Chip Zdarsky.

Gabba gabba hey! There’s a new Joker in town!

The Women of Comic

How Deadpool gets ahead.

The view from the front of the convention center.

The con wraps up 5 o’clock sharp!

I liked the mechanical motifs going in this photo.

At the con after party, Jackie relaxed with Age of Bronze’s Eric Shanower and David Maxine.

Bob Schrek just noticed I was eavesdropping.

It was a long con!

Anina Bennett, Mimi Cruz and Eunice Verstegen compare notes from the show, while Eddie Campbell hangs back.

Jackie with the one and only Eddie Campbell.

With IDW’s Allison Baker.