Jackie and Batton were once again be special guests at Comic Fest, which moved to a brand-new venue: the Four Points by Sheridan. A highlight was the special Jack Kirby cafe to celebrate Jack’s 100th birthday. Other special guests for the show included Greg Bear, Gregory Benford, Rob Salkowitz, Jim Valentino, Donna Barr, Roberta Gregory, James Hudnall, Anina Bennett, Paul Guinan, Floyd Norman, Pete Von Sholly, Bill Stout, LMark Evanier, Mike Royer, and many more. Both of us did a panel on Will Eisner’s Centennial, and Jackie was on panels talking about the olden days of San Diego Comics fandom. Here are a few photos from the show.

Four who’ve been to every San Diego Comic-Con: Gene Henderson, Bill Stout, Jackie Estrada, Mark Evanier

Guest of honor for the show was Jim Valentino. Here he is with his photos in “Comic Book People: Photographs from the 1970s and 1980s.”

Animation great Floyd Norman was also a special guest. Here is with his photo in “Comic Book People: Photographs from the 1970s and 1980s.”

Fantagraphics co-founder Mike Catron was at the show.

Dennis Smith, Paul Tallerday, and Barbara Marker in Artists’ Alley.

Schmoozing was the best part of the Con! Here are Paul Guinan, Anina Bennett, and Eunice Verstegen in the hotel bar.