Jackie with booth assistant Diane Granito.
Comic–Con International: San Diego 2015 has come and gone (after it arrived early this year!). Lovely Wife Jackie and I had a great time . . . as usual! It was nice to see old friends and meet and greet our readers. Jackie debuted her new book, Comic Book People 2 and basked in the oohs and ahhs of comic pros and fans alike! I didn’t have a new Supernatural Law book this year, but the Exhibit A Press booth did feature our new French and Spanish language editions. And, of course, I had plenty of fresh monster cameos (complete with easels!) on hand. Hope you enjoy the following photos from in and around the Big*Show!

With Supernatural Law’s legal consultant, Mitch Berger.

Alanna Wolff herself!

How could I resist??

Writer Chris Taylor with my Nosferatu glow-in-the-dark cameo.

Bill Mumy’s wife Eileen shows off his Inkpot award.

Young fan Chris displays the sketch I did for him in the French edition of Supernatural Law.

Best Dana Scully cosplay EVAH!!

Our French and Spanish editions on sale at the Exhibit A Press booth.

Selfie with the legendary Shelly Mayer’s granddaughter, Chelle Mayer.

Jackie opens the 2015 Eisner Awards, complete with Spirit mask, commemorating the 75th anniversary of Will Eisner’s immortal hero.

Scott Benefiel, caught in the act.

The Golden Age Flash . . . perfect in every detail, right down to the graying temples!

Mitch Berger with Pepe Moreno.

With heavenly helper Pam Noles.

Scenes from the exhibit hall.

Holly Golightly.

I wonder if they got Flash’s costume out of a ring?

World’s Finest.

The Amazon Princess ready for battle.

What the well-dressed Supernatural Law fan wears to Comic–Con.

Jackie with animation maven and Comic–Con guest Jerry Beck.

Cartoonist Jack Harbegger does his best heavy-lidded Jughead Jones impression.

Wonder Woman takes a call.

Bret Smith shows commissioned pieces I did featuring “The Fly” and the (literal!) head of the “Invaders from Mars.”

A couple of Turtles skulking around.

Attorney Alanna Wolff is not pleased with what this Red Riding Hood did to the big bad wolf.

The Creeper swings in this DC Comics display case.

Scene from an exhibit hall.

Lining up Friday morning for Hall H.

A giant “Fargo” snow globe.

The Gaslamp, the Saturday night of Comic–Con.

Selfie with artist Steve Leialoha, out there in the Gaslamp during the wee hours.


A monitor promoting “Heroes Reborn” at the RR crossing en route to the convention center.

Spotted in the Gaslamp.

Patty Campbell isn’t fazed by this fellow passing her on Harbor Drive.

Mark Wheatley.

Fans pay no mind to protesters as they head towards the convention center.

The Joker’s daughter? Regardless, I like the look!

Always good to have a super-watchdog.

Jackie with her Eisner Awards assistants, Anina Bennett and Wendy Sachs.

Eric Shanower and David Maxine.

Dan Bois should be careful where he points that thing– you know what happens to red shirts!

Katy Keene creator Bill Woggon’s daughter Suzie Woggon Buthke with her son. Bill Woggon was inducted into the Will Eisner Hall of Fame this year.

Me with talented cartoonist Adalisa Zarate Perez Duarte. Look for her upcoming graphic novel “Travelling Seers.” Ada gave me a sneak peek; an original concept and it looks great!

Take AIM: they who holds the Cosmic Cube.

Meet the new creative team on Will Eisner’s The Spirit: writer Matt Wagner and artist Dan Schkade.