Saturday, May 5: Batton and Jackie were part of the big Free Comic Book Day festivities at SoCal Comics, and it was the best Free Comic Book Day ever! Here are a few photos from the event.

Batton, dapper as ever, greeted fans and friends.

Store owner Jamie Newbold presided over the proceedings.

Entertainment was provided by Quel Bordel, a great gypsy jazz band (they’re at the far end).

People lined up to get their free comics.

Free comics!

Chad Cavanaugh organized the comics pros and debuted the first issue of his comic “Boxcar Justice.”

Richard Friend and Lee Kohse.

Paul Horn, creator of the “Cool Jerk” webcomic.

Matt Cossin.

Batton with writer/artist Napoleon Doom. Hats!

JJ Kirby

Keithan Jones, creator/writer/artist of “The Power Knights”