Jackie with Michael Kaluta
Jackie and Batton had a great time chatting with old friends at the signing at JHU in Manhattan on March 25.
Special guests included people whose photos appear in one or both of the Comic Book People books, including Michael Kaluta, Danny Fingeroth, Dean Haspiel, Elaine Lee, Alex Simmons, Calvin Reid, Stephen Blue, Jim Salicrup, David B. Quinn, Adam Alexander, Russell Calabrese, Joey Cavalieri, Martha Thomases, and Torsten Adair. It was also great to see Chelle Mayer, Rich Watson, Paul Lepelletier Paul Maringelli, and Ken Gale, among others. We’ve got lots more photos on Jackie’s Facebook page.

Batton signing for a fan; that’s Rich Watson with the Supernatural Law T-shirt.

Dean Haspiel and Alex Simmons.

Danny Fingeroth, then and now