Batton and Jackie had a great time at this friendly, intimate local show, held at the Town & Country Hotel in late April. The theme this year was the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, featuring Boris Karloff’s daughter, Sara.
Among the many guests were Maggie Thompson, Karen Berger, Mike Royer, Scott Shaw!, Greg Bear, Trina Robbins & Steve Leialoha, Anina Bennett & Paul Guinan, Rob Salkowitz, Mark Evanier, Bill Stout, Alex Nino, Kelly Dunn, Nancy Kress, Steve Niles, Willie Ito, Floyd Norman, and David Scroggy.
Jackie appeared on programs celebrating the 50th anniversary of “The Prisoner”; John Stanley and Little Lulu; and Walt Kelly and Pogo. She was also joined by Stout, Scroggy, Evanier, Gene Henderson, and Phil Yeh to talk about the 1977 San Diego Comic-Con and the SDCC’s El Cortez days. Here are a few photos from the weekend.

David Scroggy and Mary Fleener having fun.

Batton with Dan Bois and Wendy Gray-Bois in the Frankenstein Cafe.

Two Wendys: Wendy Gray-Bois and Wendy Wildey.

Batton and Dan jammed on a Frankenstein monster piece.

Phil Yeh and Steve Leialoha

Batton with Eunice Verstegen and Rob Salkowitz.

High school reunion! Scott Shaw!, Jan Tonneson, Greg Bear, and Dave Clark all went to Crawford High in San Diego, and Scott!, Greg, and Dave were involved in putting on the first Comic-Con. In the background is Mike Royer, who was a guest at the first minicon in 1970.

Animator Willie Ito.

Alex Nino and David Scroggy.

Barbara Marker and Paul Tallerday

Tony Raiola and Trina Robbins

Pete Von Sholly

Bill Stout

Donna Barr, Clayton Moore, and Roberta Gregory

Saturday night at Charley’s: Anina Bennett, Batton, Eunice, Rob, Paul Guinan, and Koba Kay